In Akaki there are several underground water burrows known as “lagoumia”, that is a chain of underground wells which bear various names, such as the “the water of Merikas or Merikous”, “the water of Fagkomatos”, “the water of Koutso-demetrou”, “the water of the Wells or the Hadji-Faneies”, “ the water of the Tsigkis”, “the water of Father Loizos and Panaou”, “ the water of Hodja”, “the water of Hadjiconstantinou”, “the lower summer burrow”, “the water of Avlona”.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that according to Manoloudes*, the total length of the burrows is 17 km, while their depth sometimes reaches 100 feet. To dig these wells villagers used a shovel and a ploughing machine.
Sources: Giorgos Karouzis, Strolling Around Cyprus, Nicosia, (City and District), Nicosia 2002 Georgios M. Manoloudes, “Akaki – History and Tradition”, April 2001